Fightful’s Sean Ross Sapp Posted My Home Address Now

“Broken” Sean Sapp Doxes Again, Then Threatens Police?!

Well these are getting old, but the views are fantastic. I even lowered ads because I’d rather people sharing this stuff about Cyber Sean, than make money myself….sorry it’s Broken Sean now.

Let me start at the beginning, A few weeks ago I posted an “article” about a bunch of Fightful Wrestling writers, defending one of their co-worker balls.

*Update: This was sent to us today and OMG, the video speaks for itself.

Days later, Sean Sapp posted my underage nieces on Twitter, along with my brother, their parents…as a threat? To get them hurt? I still don’t know.

Now JUST yesterday, Sean posted on Instagram “Hey Bud, the cops told me you lived at ____ (my actual address). Which he got from the police? LOL This was the fourth time he’s threatened me and deleted it, since the last article.

“Hello officer, I doxed some underage kids and now their uncle is hurting my feelings, so can I have their address?”- Broken Sean not understanding how police or life works.

Sorry, Broken Sean is similar to Broken Matt Hardy, except in real life and not a wrestling character. Matt became Broken during this awesome TNA storyline, Sean became Broken messing with me.

I’ve broken many bigger and more important people than Cyber, sorry Broken Sean. So the only thing new here is a grown man crying about needing the police, after he doxed me and my underage nieces!

I am in no way playing “good guy” here. Myself and others have been sharing the OG article about Sean doxing my nieces everyday, to everyone. Because it works, getting insane views.

He could have made fun of my looks, my fatness, my inability to create a good site, my messed up hands, my messed up body (due to a bad disease).

But now he’s trying to get me hurt or worse, by sharing my home address with his 12 Thousand Followers! WTF?

His Twitter where he doxed my nieces has 293 Thousand Followers.

And somehow, I’m still kicking his ass in this “battle”.

Have a nice day Broken Sean, Fightful AEW Cheerleaders and all of your enablers! I’ll be chilling on the high ground while Sean keeps breaking himself further and Jimmy Van hides.

What do you think about Sean?

Let us know in the comments!


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