Deadpool and Wolverine Recap & Review with SPOILERS

Deadpool and Wolverine Recap & Review with SPOILERS

“Deadpool and Wolverine” is finally available and I watched it last night. I’m going to run it down and give some thoughts…again, WITH SPOILERS!


So the movie starts out right where Deadpool 2 left off. Wade Wilson played by Ryan Reynolds, shows us how he made some other changes, using Cable’s time travel device.

Wait, actually it starts out with one of the funniest scenes ever. It will lead to a ridiculous amount of memes, Deadpool killing TVA agents with the adamantium bones of Logan or Wolverine, while dancing to “Bye Bye Bye” from NSYNC.

This was prime Wolverine, who we spent EVERY movie with, but he’s dead now, so Wade needs to find another Wolverine.

Why? Let’s go back a little like Deadpool does.

After he used Cable’s device, he popped over to the “Sacred Timeline”, which is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He was looking to become an Avenger and met with Happy Hogan, played by the returning Jon Favreau.

This part was very confusing at first, but I think I got it.

Happy told him he can’t become an Avenger just because he “wants to be”. It’s only when he’s “needed to be”, or something nice like that. They mentioned Tony Starl, who was alive at this time, but too big for meetings like this one.

So Deadpool heads back to his universe, where he gives up and becomes a car salesmen. Which led him to losing the love of his life, Vanessa, played by Morena Baccarin.

This I did not like, it felt forced or rushed, didn’t make sense after all they were through. It all came from him being rejected by the Avengers, which didn’t even happen in his universe.

Whatever, moving on.

So during his birthday party, the TVA (Time Variance Authority) knocked on his door and quickly brought him back to the TVA. He met with the new man in charge there, Paradox, who is acting shady. Doing things without the real bosses knowing.

Which made me wonder, “WHERE TF WAS LOKI?!”

God of Stories, my ass!

What was the point of his sacrifice to protect the timelines? The TVA went right back to shit after he did. Not even a mention of Loki, but the TVA is FROM Loki, very, very odd move.

Paradox explains to Wade that his world is dying, and he’s needed now for a bigger purpose….the MCU! He is shown clips of Avengers doing their thing over the years, says the “I’m Marvel Jesus” line and some others.

One of the funniest moments was when Deadpool heard this, he ran to the camera cursing out Fox, right into the boom mic.

Deadpool is told about and shown the death of Logan, the reason his timeline was dying. He was so powerful that he was an “anchor”, each universe need one.

That made me wonder, who is the MCU anchor? Not Tony? Maybe Cap? I believe he’s still alive and in the Sacred Timeline somewhere.

So Wade gets pissed off with this guy telling him his world is about to end, and Logan is dead. He steals one of their time travel devices and goes back to where Wolverine died in Logan.

He attempted to dig him up, due to Wolverine’s regenerating abilities. But nah, he’s dead. Deadpool just dug up bones, they did have adamantium though, which he used in the awesome opening scene.

After that beatdown, Wade goes searching the multiverse for another Wolverine. Running into all kinds of them, including a variant played by Superman actor, Henry Cavill.

Deadpool and Wolverine Recap & Review with SPOILERS

Finally he ends up in a bar with an odd version of Wolverine, this one is miserable AF. When Wade threatens him by putting a gun to his head, Logan smiles, pulling it closer. It’s a Wolverine who lost everything.

He thought the yellow costumes looked ridiculous and didn’t join the X-Men, like they wanted. This led to EVERY X-Men being murdered, due to Logan’s inaction.

He drank so much he passed out and Wade carries him off, bringing him back to the TVA. Deadpool figures he just needed another Wolverine to save his world, but Paradox laughs, saying it doesn’t work that way.

Plus, he brought the WORST Wolverine, this one is a failure and knows it.

Again, Deadpool gets pissed, this time he gets pruned and sent to the void. Wolverine quickly follows and they have an awesome fight.

The void is where everything and everyone, unnecessary or threatens the timeline, is sent before before they die. There’s a monster named Eliath who eats people in the void, he’s also from Loki….but again, no Loki?!

Deadpool and Wolverine Recap & Review with SPOILERS

So after fighting for a while, they’re met by a younger Captain America?! Deadpool is so excited waiting for him to say “Avengers Assemble”. Instead (Chris Evans) says “Flame On” and it’s actually Johnny Storm from the Fantastic Four!

That was awesome! He’s hysterically, quickly taken down by one of the villains of the Void, who work for the evil Cassandra Nova.

One member of her crew is OG Sabretooth! Deadpool hypes up the big rematch and Wolverine slices his head off in seconds!

Soon after, we meet Cassandra and she tears Johnny Storm apart with her mind. She is the twin sister of Charles Xavier, who died in the womb in the main X-Men timeline.

She collects all kinds of cool stuff in the Void, living in the corpse/suit of giant Ant-Man. One important thing she destroyed was the helmet of Magneto after killing him, leaving nothing to stop her…outside of Juggernaut’s helmet.

Nova explains hows she runs the Void and loves it, being able to use her powers however she’d like. Deadpool and Wolverine are no match for her psychic abilities, similar to Charles.

Eliath shows up to eat Deadpool and Wolverine after a tussle with Nova. The duo get away at the last moment and then meet up with NicePool. It’s Deadpool played by Reynolds, but super nice and the owner of DogPool.

He tells them how to find a group of survivors who have been fighting, trying to get out. The group is “Elektra” played by Jennifer Garner, Wesley Snipes “Blade” and “Gambit”, played by Channing Tatum!

Awesome again, they stuck around longer than expected and got to “finish their stories”. Tatum and Reynolds are hysterical, but Gambit didn’t look great. The CGI looked unnecessary? I’m not sure, could’ve looked better though.

Also, X23 is there, played by the now 19-year-old Dafne Keen. She’s the one who truly gets to Wolverine in the movie. He’s miserable and has nothing to live or fight for.

The good guy group is getting ready to fight and Logan is drinking, planning to sit it out. That’s until X23 has a chat with him and he tells her about his failures. While she tells him about how her Wolverine saved her and all kinds of others.

He leaves it off by saying, “Hey, whoever you think I am, you got the wrong guy”. She replies with a smile, “You always were the wrong guy”.

I legit got chills! Good Lord, Dafne Keen is amazing!

Time for the big battle, all the good guys and gals, except Wolverine, get out of the car, given to them by NicePool. Then Logan pops out of the trunk and the fight is on! Team Nova vs Team Good Guys!

So cool seeing Elektra, Blade and Gambit doing their thing! There’s an insane amount of callbacks and jokes about the three, especially Gambit though. He basically knows his movie was never made, which is funny as hell….unless you don’t know that story.

Cassandra once again gets the upper hand, due to her insane powers. She forces Wolverine to relive what he went through, (incredible stuff from Jackman here) saying she’d help take away the pain.

But this was a ruse, while it was happening, X24 sliced Juggernaut apart, stole his helmet and tossed it to Deadpool. He put it on her head so she couldn’t use her powers. But she didn’t care, she would’ve waited forever until someone took it off and she’d kill them.

She ends up getting shot by Pyro, who was working for her, but also Paradox from the TVA! D&W make a deal with her, and she uses a sling ring to send them back to Deadpool’s universe.

Paradox was also working with Nova, who he just turned on and now she’s pissed AF, heading to destroy all timelines except the Void.

Now it’s a race as Nova tries to destroy everything, while D&W have more to deal with. It’s ALL of the DEADPOOLS from the Void!!!

Led by Lady Deadpool (played by Blake Lively, but we never see her face), there was Headpool, Cowboy Deadpool, Kidpool (and so many others), plus NicePool is back to side with the good guys!

Deadpool prime uses Nicepool as a shield, not knowing he didn’t have regenerative powers. Then again after knowing he has the powers, another hysterical scene.

Wolverine goes wild after pulling on his (awesome looking) mask, and kills just about EVERY Deadpool. But there’s a Babypool laughing as they all start regenerating. Wade is super angry, yelling there’s no time for this.

They are about to have another huge fight, when a chubby Deadpool shows up, telling them “they’re with me”.

He unmasks and it’s fucking Peter! It turns out every Deadpool has a Peter, this was one of my favorite parts of the movie. Just totally out of nowhere, but it’s Peter, who everyone loves, so it was fitting.

They back off and let D&W go after Nova, they’re met by Paradox who explains one of them will need to die to stop her. It seems obvious it will be Wolverine, at the last moment, Deadpool tricks him and takes his place.

Nova is trying to start a machine to destroy all timelines, except the Void. Wade is trying to stop it, but he can’t do it on his own….the worlds are about to end….when Wolverine grabs his hand and they do it together.

His shirt tears off and Hugh is ridiculously jacked, which leads to women and men checking him out when they return to the TVA.

The good guys save the day, Paradox is in trouble with his superiors and Wade brings Logan to his home. He realizes Vanessa is his world and he was wrong for giving up, they hold hands and are seemingly back together.

All is right with the world, the end.

Post-credits scenes: one was just highlights of X-Men movies, the other was Johnny Storm cursing like a lunatic. Hysterical after a joke Wade earlier.

I was expecting something to lead into Avengers, but nope.

Well there was one thing, but that was earlier in the movie. When Paradox was showing Wade the MCU videos, he saw a future one.

In the future, Deadpool seems to be dying as Thor, of all people, is holding him?! That could be Avengers-related, or a joke….we shall see.


The movie is mostly a blast, I loved every second of seeing Reynolds and Jackman finally together after years of teases. Wolverine or Logan, being a variant and not the Wolverine we all know for SO many years…was a bit odd.

New Wolverine was awesome, but we can’t as fans, have the same feeling we had for old Wolverine. That’s one of a few complaints I have about D&W.

Also, I made the mistake of trusting people saying it was similar to “Avengers Endgame or Infinity War’. For the same reasons and more. We don’t know these characters anywhere near close to as well as the Avengers and Guardians, etc.

So I overhyped it, was expecting all kinds of MCU characters popping in. That didn’t though, barely any….if any? I guess Happy Hogan counts, it was mostly old Fox characters though.

Again, cool. It could have been SO much cooler tho. Like if they showed that actual Hulk fight, that was a cruel tease.

The villain, although interesting, wasn’t very special or memorable. There is not much here that leads to what’s happening in the future of the MCU. Except for that one Thor scene, which might have been a joke.

Definitely check it out for the comedy, but don’t expect an amazing “Event” movie like Infinity War. (I think Endgame is overrated AF).

Did you enjoy Deadpool and Wolverine?

Let us know in the comments!


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