Paige Collett (Black Dahlia) Shares Amazing Ass Pic…For a Good Cause!

Paige Collett is an independent pro wrestler who suffers from complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). It’s a severely disabling uncurable condition that usually affects the limbs, after injury or surgery. The main symptoms are severe pain, swelling, loss of range of motion, temperature changes, and changes in the skin.

She’s always trying to spread awareness about it, which is awesome. Last night Paige posted an insanely hot picture of her almost perfectly round ass.

Her latest message-

Professional wrestling put me in a wheelchair. I chose to relearn how to I can wrestle again! (one of the most painful experiences of my life) Let’s bring hope to those who needs it!!

You can donate to the CRPS Warriors Foundation at the link.

And be sure to give the beautiful Paige a follow on Facebook.

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