Pro Wrestling Reporters or AEW Cheerleaders? Fightful, Meltzer, etc.

Pro Wrestling Reporters or AEW Cheerleaders?

Today we’re going to look at some so-called “fair and balanced” Pro Wrestling “Reporters”! Or as I call them, cheerleaders…and sadly for us, not even good looking ones.

I feel I must start with Dave Meltzer, because he doesn’t give AF about how biased he comes off anymore. Kind of respect that, the man loves AEW, spends most of his time talking about and defending it.

His timeline is mostly AEW defending, but I do have a special extra one below about Dave being a jackass bully in general. He’s also a huge sexist that has been abused by many top female wrestlers such as Charlotte Flair.

Sticking with the AEW Cheerleader theme, this one made me laugh. The man has gone so overboard that his own fans tell him to stop. In this case, Dave was arguing with an incredibly obvious troll.

This was shortly after Meltzer reported news that happened on an episode of SmackDown over a decade ago….because he’s in a bubble 24/7.

Many older people lose their mind and it’s clearly happening to Dave. I wish him the best with all of that.

Now checking in with the creeps at Fightful! Click the links for some crazy stories about those weirdos.

One of them is about a group of writers, male, female and I think something in between…talking about one of the writers’ balls. Sounds like they all got really up close and personal, but that’s not my business….it’s Jimmy Van’s!

But this is about their love for one Elite promotion. A promotion that ranks above all others….except for WWE, they’re not even in the same universe.

Why do I say that? Because facts.

WWE puts on shows almost every day, sells out across the world and has millions of weekly viewers.

AEW puts on one or two shows a week, ticket sales are terrible and ratings have plummeted.

Just a few weeks ago, they had their LOWEST rated Dynamite EVER. And this was leading into their “WrestleMania”, called “Double or Nothing”.

Now with all of that factual negativity, let’s check in on a “fair and balanced” Fightful Rep….Cheerleader-

This is a brand new tweet, I just looked and it’s right there. Two of the Fightful whores (I can say that since we’ve spoken at 3AM on a Friday night), blowing AEW together, thanks for making it so easy cheerleaders!

Ring of Honor was a viable alternative, just like TNA was. But “Reporters” didn’t root and defend them like they do for AEW, probably cause Tony is paying them. Who knows, just a rumor, that I totally believe.

Why wouldn’t he? He’s signed everyone possible and it hasn’t helped. He has zero creativity, just money to throw around until Daddy gets tired of it or little Tony can’t take the heat anymore.

Here’s the other about Dave. This was after he abused reporters, telling them how to REALLY do their jobs!

Same guy who has gone back and forth on whether it’s the demo or viewership that really matters.

When the answer is: Whichever fits Dave’s agenda best at the time.

I could go on and on with sites like Voices of Wrestling, which is owned by an open racist and shouldn’t be a thing anymore.

But I just said enough about those scumbags.

Have a nice day good people in the Wrestling Community! And hide your underage relatives from Fightful!

What do you think? Reporters or Cheerleaders?

Let us know in the comments!


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