Fightful’s Sean Ross Sapp Posted a Screenshot of My Underage Nieces

A few days ago I wrote an article about a bunch of Fightful Wrestling workers, defending one of their co-worker balls. Men, women, something in the middle, all defending and appreciating a man’s balls.

Unlike them, talking about balls is weird AF, but here’s a link to that article.

So that led to something even more crazy. Sean Ross Sapp posted a screenshot of my underage nieces and nephew!

Pointing out that he could get in touch with my brother? Or maybe just inciting violence towards my nieces and nephew?

Sean also recently posted something racist, before deleting it. Which I showed to some people, likely causing his meltdown.

Or not a meltdown, he’s known to do things like this.

He’s also known for getting caught having Cybersex on Twitter, not with his wife.

Intimidating others in “his field” is his thing, or one of many creepy things, but he picked the wrong mfer.

There’s not much I DON’T EXPECT from the scumbags in the wrestling world like Sean and his crew.

Hell, I dealt with Voices of Wrestling trolls for years, so everyone involved here…just happens to be racist.

But posting underage children I’m related to, as a threat?!

I actually feel bad for him. Married dude spending his nights having cybersex while stalking and threatening others.

I’m not even sure if he’s all there in the head. Check out his Instagram for 5 seconds and you’ll see.

He literally only has one smile, it’s creepy as hell and totally fitting for him/it.

I’m sure I’ll be back soon with another “Fightful ___ ___ something fucked.

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