Top 5 Celebrity Instagram Posts of the Week

Top 10 Celebrity Instagram Posts of the Week

Welcome anyone needing a distraction. I’ve been trying to think of something new and here’s one. Top celebrity Instagram posts of the week! These will not just be photos. For example there’s an awesome post from Kevin Bacon about the end of the writer’s strike. Also Kim Kardashian is the thumbnail cause she JUST missed the list.

Check out our LISTractions section for more.

Feel free to leave any comments or a whole list of your own!

#5: Sydney Sweeney

I’m kind of in love with her, it is what it is.

#4: Ryan Reynolds

Reminded the world that Deadpool 3 is coming.

#3: Jessica Alba

Jessica at the “Baby2Baby” annual gala.

#2: Vanessa & Stella Hudgens

This was for Stella’s birthday.

#1: Kevin Bacon

Bacon doing the “Footloose” dance after the strike ended, awesome!


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