Top 5 Metallica Songs of All Time

Welcome Metallica fans and anyone needing a distraction. These are my top 5 songs from one of my all time favorite bands. Got to see them at Madison Square Garden with the orchestra during the S&M tour.

It was unreal, I’ve been to some great concerts but that was easily the best. Ok, on to the list!

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Feel free to leave any comments or a whole list of your own!

#5: Hero of the Day

The acoustic version is one of my favorite songs ever. Is that cheating? Maybe. There’s a big personal part to this. Maybe also cheating but these are just my opinions.

So, I have a tough health issue and feel the lyrics below were written FOR ME. A lot of great songs are like that, this one is almost creepy tho…in a cool way.

  • Don't want your aid
    But the fist I've made for years won't hold or feel
    No I'm not all me
    So please excuse me while I tend to how I fell

#4: One

This is so easily the hardest list I’ve made so far. I spent way too much time moving songs around and thinking. It is what it is, these are 5 incredible songs. It’s my list and I feel this song should be lower. So yea, this is super hard and I slightly prefer the next 3.

#3: The Unforgiven

Actually just read this song was inspired John Huston's 1960 film “The Unforgiven”. That’s pretty damn cool. It came from the “Metallica” album, aka The Black Album. It’s a ridiculously amazing group of songs that could have 5 here if this were my top 10.

#2: Master of Puppets

This song makes me want to fight! But in a good way, if that’s possible. Sick opening and it doesn’t stop. It’s from the “Masters of Puppets” 1986 album. That one also featured “Battery”, “Welcome Home” (Sanitarium) and Orion, among others.

#1: Nothing Else Matters

Learned a few fun facts while doing this, like “Nothing Else Matters” has over 1 Billion views on YouTube! That’s just the official account, who knows how many versions are out there. I thought I was reaching a bit by making it my #1. Then I saw the entire world seemingly agrees, so that’s nice.


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