“The Flash” Star Grant Gustin Was Never Contacted for Movie Cameo

“The Flash” Star Grant Gustin Was Never Contacted for Movie Cameo

This is some painful news for someone who has stuck up for “The Flash” movie. Overall it’s a good, fun movie, that has some awesome moments. It also has some REALLY bad moments.

The scene near the opening with the “raining babies” was awful in every way. Then there was a very talked about scene or scenes with multiple cameos from alternative DC universes. Mostly CGI with Christopher Reeve & Nicolas Cage’s versions of “Superman”, among others.

There was another (There’s more than one. It’s confusing and I’m not spoiling anything) version of “The Flash” in the film during the sequence. Played by an unknown actor, who fans like myself thought was Teddy Sears, who played Zoom on the TV series.

The series that starred Grant Gustin as “The Flash” for 9 seasons!

Who it turns out, didn’t even get a call about a cameo!! What?! Why?!

The news comes from FlashFacts4Real, and I don’t get it. Why would he not be contacted? He even worked with Miller on the tv series in the fantastic “Crisis on Infinite Earth’s crossover.

All I can think of is, most fans would have freaked the hell out. It could and likely would have made Ezra’s version look bad. Gustin is “The Flash” for many fans.

That was kind of a crazy theory. As I’m typing, I’m starting to believe it though. Fans love Gustin and hate Miller. It makes sense.

The film got a lot more hate than deserved, IMO. It’s not great, but it’s a lot better than most recent comic book movies. It’s hard to separate the actor from the character. Ezra did a great job though.

I recommend checking it out and judging for yourself. Especially if you’re a fan of the Michael Keaton “Batman” films.

“The Flash” is currently available on MAX.

Source: FlashFacts4Real

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